War eats the truth for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Mauno Saari

The West and the Western media are rejoicing over Israel's "completely successful" countermeasures victory when it destroyed "99 percent" of Iran's drones and missiles. 

Some Western intelligence and military experts independent of Washington speak of Iran's success. 

According to them, Iran's attack on Israel was an intelligently planned three-stage operation. First, slow drones were sent on their way. The journey of these mopeds took three hours, so Israel and its allies had plenty of time to take countermeasures. That was the intention.

Cruise missiles were launched next, and the fastest ballistic missiles were the third.

It was intended that the slow airplanes would be destroyed. This is how Iran got data on the locations of Israel's air defenses. It forced Israel to shoot down ten-ton drones with a hundred thousand missiles. So that defense came to cost Israel at least a billion dollars.

Iran had at least told the US about the strike and its targets in advance (a claim Washington says is false), and told people to leave before the strike. Ballistic missiles penetrated Israeli defenses. The strikes hit two air bases and one intelligence center.

Summary of Western experts: Iran succeeded. It sent a message: - We can punch through your protection. Now we did it with the old stock. If you retaliate, we'll hit harder with a newer one.


What to believe when we wonder what happened at the foot of the mountain of lies? 

War eats the truth for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The countries' own spokespersons are the least of all to be trusted. 

The US in particular gets caught in blatant lying every day. According to Washington, Ukraine is in trouble but still winning the war. It is said that they are trying to prevent the continuation of the genocide carried out by Israel, while the bomb deliveries continue.

The revenge of Israel's revenge is likely to come. Benjamin Netanyahu has two options: admit defeat in the operation against Hamas and end the cycle of attacks he himself started, or expand the war, get the United States involved in attacking Iran.


So Israel said that it succeeded one percent but perfectly. Suomen Yleisradio was not satisfied with this. It announced on TV news that all missiles and drones had been destroyed.

The difference is small, only one percent. Does it fit within the margin of error of Yle's journalism?

15 comments on the post “WIN, LOSS OR MESSAGE?"

  1. Iran has a large and powerful military. If Israel does not change its attitude towards Iran, as I suspect, then a devastating war and the destruction of Israel is coming. When you look at the map of the area, it's a bad area for Jews to live in. If building two states doesn't work, then only Palestine will remain. I predict that option. And I hope too.

  2. Judge Napolitano's guest today is Colonel MacGregor. The colonel fears the worst. Israel is unable to stop the cycle of revenge and the use of nuclear weapons is ahead. The Biden administration opposes and does not want an escalation, but MacGregor believes that Israel is so confident of the support of the US military that it will bring them along no matter what the president says.

    George Bush Jr. tried to attack Iran, but Admiral Fallon, who was the regional commander, said no way, not under me. The president could have changed the commander, but he submitted. Now there is a new situation and new leaders. The situation is more than worrying.

    1. It is surprising that there are a number of retired military officers in the USA who understand these situations much better than politicians. You are realists, and you don't have your own cow in the ditch like these stupid politicians.

  3. The situation in the Finnish media is catastrophically bad, you can't even say sad news. I haven't followed the North Korean media, but that's the level of stories. more reliable today than Mediapool's lies, beliefs and exaggerations.

  4. Germany banned former Greek economy minister Giánis Varoufákis from entering for speaking out about the Gaza crisis. In addition, 2500 police forcibly closed a large congress for Palestine. Giánis Varoufáki describes the events as follows:
    "The police entered the building, the venue, a few minutes before I was due to deliver my talk via video link. As a result, what I did was I recorded my talk, and I posted it online from Greece, from Athens, where I'm even now. And the next day, I found out that a ban, as you put it, was slapped on me by the German authorities,"

  5. Using evil as a means to an end, however well-intentioned, actually multiplies the amount of evil in the world rather than diminishing it. This is based on the idea that doing evil — regardless of whether the intention is good or bad — reinforces the existence and legitimacy of evil as a course of action. Also, if evil is used to achieve good, it may lead to a distorted perception of what is acceptable, which in turn may cause more evil in the long run. In other words, the means can tarnish the goals, and the use of evil leads to more and more situations justifying evil actions. Philosophically, this question is linked to discussions of consequentialism (ethics of consequences) and deontology (ethics of duty). According to consequential ethics, the morality of actions is determined by their consequences, while in duty ethics the most important thing is that the actions themselves are right, regardless of the consequences. Fyodor Dostoyevsky is often associated with the statement "if there is no God, then everything is permitted", although it is not directly formulated in this way in his works. However, it encapsulates a central theme in his literature, especially in works such as "Crime and Punishment" and "The Brothers Karamazov". The idea reflects a concern about what would happen to morality and social norms if the existence of God or absolute moral truth were denied.

    Dostoevsky uses the character of Ivan Karamazov in The Brothers Karamazov to represent a complex and profound view of the struggle between faith and unbelief, morality and nihilism. According to Dostoevsky, Ivan's greatest flaw is his inability to accept and understand the deeper purposes and meanings of human suffering from a religious perspective. The central flaw in Ivan's thinking is that he rejects the comfort and hope offered by religion because he cannot reconcile the existence of God with the suffering in the world. Dostoevsky's view is that Ivan's flawed understanding stems from his over-rational approach to life and morality, which prevents him from seeing and experiencing personal faith and mysteries that are an integral part of existence. Ivan's thinking is limited to what he can reason and prove, leading him to the brink of despair and nihilism. He also suffers from not being able to find a personal solution to the problem of suffering, which is reflected in his psychological breakdown towards the end of the work. In Dostoevsky's literature, faith, compassion and acceptance are key, and through the character of Ivan, he explores what happens when a person rejects these values. Ivan's fate emphasizes Dostoevsky's view that without faith and hope, man is left alone to answer life's hardest questions.

    1. Is there something wrong with our educational methods if we have to scare them with the existence of god so that we don't do bad things? Would people be better off if we were taught to respect each other, without the imagined existence of god? If you don't follow the created laws, when you commit crimes you have to answer for your actions! We have to raise people to compassion and to respect and treat others, without fear of being held accountable by God or the law!

  6. A message that Mediapooli does not want Finns to hear, let alone understand. It wants Finns to live in such a dangerous and delusional imagination that the countries that have become allies of the USA are 100% safe with the help of the superior armaments supplied by the USA arms industry and that they therefore do not even need international law for protection, which they have the right to strike and kill without hesitation all the people it defines as "enemies" and their family members and other bystanders all over the world.

    Why doesn't YLE want Finns to even consider the possibility that Iran would have set limits on Israel's illegal activities?

    On the one hand, the reasons may be related to the fact that if it were admitted that Israel is not completely omnipotent and immune to the laws, then the citizens' demands that Finland stop all trade with the terrorist state committing genocide could increase.

    On the other hand, also to the extent that Finns are still wanted to be used later in the war against Russia, it is only good that the Finns believe that it is possible to repel drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles 100%.

    But, as it is also written in the Bible: "...He who has ears, let him hear, he who has eyes, let him see." and "--blessed are the peacemakers--."

  7. This is precisely what is essential:
    "Is there something wrong with our educational methods if we have to scare them with the existence of God so that we don't do bad things? Would people be better off if we were taught to respect each other, without the imagined existence of god? "
    The fundamental question is: why should we hate other religions, regardless of stability.
    Why hasn't humanity grown enough for us all to accept each other-regardless of religion,
    skin color, ethnic origins. Why is religion still so influential in the 2000st century?

  8. For a long time, Iran has had a very moderate attitude to provocations, assassinations and bombings by both the United States and Israel. The public language may sound harsh, but at the level of actions, the reactions have been surprisingly moderate. The reason is obvious; Iran does not want war, it wants to build its big country in peace. On the other hand, it has military strike capability even without nuclear weapons, the threshold for use of which is extremely high in all cases.

    In my opinion, Iran's targeting, i.e. the strike aimed very precisely at a few military bases, was very successful. The US and Israel have had to actively lie about the Damascus embassy attack being insignificant in order to portray Iran as a warmonger. It goes through in the media, but how many people believe that?

    Israel cannot use its nuclear weapons against Iran without a very high probability of being the target of massive strikes itself. It is much easier to destroy the population of a small area of ​​Israel than that of Iran. That's why a nuclear weapon is not really a means of pressure, but rather a tool of extreme revenge, when one's own destruction is already a reality. That's why I don't consider a serious escalation of the situation to be likely, although of course there is a possibility.

  9. "We have the ability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that it will happen before Israel falls.” Moshe Dayan.

    Dayan was more obviously referring to Israel's deterrence strategy of The Samson option, where Israel uses massive retaliation with nuclear weapons as a “last resort” against another country whose military has invaded and/or destroyed much of Israel.

    Israel is not going to win even in Gaza, despite practically bombing it to the ground already. We live in really serious times.

  10. In Finland, the truth was killed before the war. Finns were lured into the war in Ukraine and into NATO with lies. On 11.5.2022 May 2022, Niinistö presented two fundamental lies. Russia did not ban Finland and Sweden from joining NATO as Niinistö claimed. The war between Russia and Ukraine did not prove that Russia is "ready to attack its neighboring countries". Finland's position in relation to Russia was in many respects completely different from Ukraine's position in relation to Russia in XNUMX and before the war. Only 'neighborhood' to Russia connected Finland and Ukraine. We still don't know how, hidden from the Finns' eyes, Finland had participated in the preparations for the war alongside the USA and NATO. Without Mediapool, Niinistö would still be a specialty of Salola.
